Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Integrated Learning

I am constantly impressed with the way in which our Middle School year 7 and 8 students approach learning.  We have provided opportunities for these girls to take their learning the next step and to use their creative skills to present a project which encompasses the what they have learnt over the past term.

At year 8 the girls have been studying the Olympic Games.  Thanks to some awesome learning activities from their ENSS teachers, the girls have delved into the values and what goes on behind the scenes for an athlete pre, during and post the games.  Their challenge was to use technology to create something that would represent the next summer Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020.  The choices were wide and varied from 3D printed badges to original lyrics and promotion songs and videos.

In year 7, the girls have been investigating the gap filler spaces around Christchurch Central City.  Following a visit into town to some of these spaces as well as listening to the underlying philosophy and values of the gap filler idea, the girls then created their own model.  Using Tinkercad as a design tool, they collaboratively worked on the one build platform to take their idea and create a visual representation of their gap filler.  Using Quicktime screencasting we were able to take a fly over with narration of the physical space that was created.
Click on this image for the fly over

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