Thursday, 14 July 2016

Integrated Learning - Year 7 ENSS Survivor Island

Collaboration with the ENSS (English and Social Science) teachers has enable us to redefine the learning tasks for the Survivor Island Unit.  In the past students have completed activities such as making the island from paper mache, cardboard huts and created board games to apply their survivor knowledge.

This year we have tried to integrate technology by using the 3D design programme called tinkercad to recreate the island.  Based on a descriptive paragraph, students worked in teams to recreate the island with all it's landmark features.  Students then captured an image of their island and used thinglink to add their stories of survival.  Students wrote their diary entries for each day they survived and then recorded audio or video to upload as part of their links on thinglink.
This task has given students an opportunities to :

  • work collaboratively 
  • show leadership and delegate roles
  • be creative
  • be self managing
  • work to time pressures

I was impressed with the quality and accuracy of the work that the students produced in a 2 week period for the above activity which was one of several learning tasks that the students completed for this unit during this term.

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